Village Guide

Age Concern Auckland Services

Auckland, from Tuakau to Okura
Age Concern Auckland is a charity that supports those over the age of 65 to lead fulfilling, respected, and healthy lives. They provide specialised services and promote the wellbeing, dignity, respect, and equity of seniors.

Core services

Age Concern provides three core services for older Aucklanders and their families. These are Ageing Well Services, Social Connections Services, and Intervention Services.

Ageing well services

Age Concern empowers older Aucklanders to take control of their health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Age Concern provides a variety of programmes, events, activities and workshops across Auckland. These include senior driver education, education about preventing falls, strength and balance classes, nutrition courses, mindfulness sessions, digital skills workshops, and more.

Social connections services

The accredited visiting service is a ‘befriending service’ where Age Concern facilitates friendships between older people and volunteers. Age Concern police-checks and trains volunteers, then matches them with older people in their local area. The pairings are made carefully, accounting for location, interests, personalities, and cultural needs. Age Concern also runs social coffee & friendship groups and supports older people to engage with activities and events of interest in their local community.

Intervention services

Elder abuse is any action that causes harm or distress to an older person by someone they should be able to trust. This could be abuse or neglect by family members, friends, or professionals such as healthcare workers. Age Concern works with over 65s to prevent abuse and neglect. Age Concern can also assist older Aucklanders with social issues impacting on them and advocate on their behalf.

Age Concern Auckland also provides support in Mandarin and Cantonese.

Age concern team

How Age Concern Auckland can support you

Like Village Guide, Age Concern Auckland can support you in finding a retirement village or rest home.

You may wish to contact Age Concern if you require:

  • Advice on how to coordinate a Needs Assessment
  • Advice on accessing government subsidies, such as the Residential Care Subsidy
  • Help finding a rest home if care is needed in a short time-frame or family are unable to assist
  • Advice if you’re unhappy with the in-home support you’re currently receiving

To access any of Age Concern Auckland Services, visit their website.

Contact Age Concern Auckland
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