Village Guide

Rest homes: understanding the different levels of care. find & compare

In New Zealand, residential care is provided by private companies and not-for-profit organisations. Retirement villages offer independent and assisted living, while rest homes (also referred to as care homes) offer higher levels of care.
Rest home care

Rest home care refers to residential care from trained caregivers and registered nurses in a dedicated facility. Rest homes (also called care homes) provide 24-hour care to residents who are no longer able to live independently. Before moving into a care home, most residents complete a needs assessment, which determines the exact level of care they require. Based on asset and income thresholds, a rest home subsidy may also be available.

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Hospital care

Also known as long-term hospital care, hospital care is similar to rest home care. It’s offered in a dedicated facility by trained caregivers and registered nurses. Hospital care offers a higher level of nursing and clinical care than rest home care. It’s designed for those suffering from illness or other medical conditions.

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Dementia care

Dementia care is specialised care and support for people with dementia. There are various levels of dementia care available across New Zealand. Most rest homes that offer dementia care will have a dedicated unit and specially trained staff. Those offering higher levels of dementia care will offer secure facilities.

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Respite care

Also known as short-term care, respite care is offered when someone is temporarily in need of additional support. For example, they may be recovering from an illness or hospital stay, or their usual carer may be away. The length of stay in respite care can vary from one day to more than a month. Accomm most commonly provided within a room in a care home, but it may also be offered in a serviced apartment.

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Day care

Many rest homes offer temporary ‘day care’ for senior people living in the local community. Day care allows people living independently to access services such as transport, meals, activities, and attention from trained staff.

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